PIE Program is designed to pray for, invite, and encourage the young men who are discerning priestly life and ministry, while in formation at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
PIE Program is an opportunity to prayerfully support a seminarian in his call to priesthood, to invite the seminarian to experience our community within the context of our parish family and your family, to encourage a seminarian as he continues in his discernment and seminary formation as he prepares for ordination to the priesthood.
Members of our parish family and those from other parishes and dioceses are encouraged to unite in prayer for an increase of vocations and actively invite men and women to consider priesthood and consecrated life.
The young men studying at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology are very generous with their time and talents and enjoy meeting people within the local parish community. These young men have said “yes” to explore the vocation of priestly life and ministry and are engaged in seminary formation. They aim to bring faith, hope, and love into the lives of those they will meet in the Church and world.
If you would like to participate in the PIE Program by hosting a seminarian, please contact Gervase and April Ebert, program coordinators.
All families, but especially members of our parish family who have children in elementary, junior high and high school, are encouraged to participate in this program.
Here are some suggestions on how you and your family may spiritually, prayerfully, and actively participate in the PIE Program:
Pray for: Pray daily for your seminarian by name, attending daily Mass with the prayer intention of your host seminarian in mind and heart, pray a rosary as a family for your host seminarian, make a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, or participate in a Holy Hour for Vocations with Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday afternoons.
Invite: Invite your host seminarian to a meal at your home, or another family gathering or activity, a least once a semester. Your host seminarian may also extend an invitation to you to Sunday Mass and lunch at the seminary, or another program or activity, to learn more about seminary life and formation at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
Encourage: Send an occasional note of encouragement or a card on special feast days or holidays; drop off at the Guest House and Retreat Center a simple care package of homemade baked goods; celebrate your host seminarian's birthday and ask him about his seminary journey, what he is learning and how his pastoral ministry internship is shaping him as he prepares for a lifetime of priestly life in service to Christ and His Church.