Our faith is not meant to reside merely within the walls of our parishes. At the end of every Mass, we are instructed to go forth and share the light of Christ, which we have received in the Eucharist, to the whole world. One way we share this light is by serving others as Christ served us, by doing the works he worked. Christ commands us to care for those weakest among us.
“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine,” Christ tells us, “you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). This parish commission connects individuals with service opportunities, builds relationships with individuals and organizations who collaborate with volunteers, and searches for parish-wide service opportunities in our town, our county, our state, our country, and around our world.
The Service and Outreach Commission meets in the Parish Office, Room G. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of May, July, and October.
Pam Davis, Belize Immersion Trip Coordinator
Kris Gunn
Sue Kloeck, Appalachia Immersion Trip Coordinator
Lisa Schaefer
Amie Sitzman