The St. Meinrad Feast Day Celebration will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2025, with a Mass celebrated at 8:30 a.m. at St. Meinrad Catholic Church followed by a free catered breakfast at 9:45 a.m. at the St. Meinrad Community Center. There will be prizes given away and activities for children. No reservations are needed, and all are welcome. For more information, email Nancy Graman or call.
In your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Marilyn Ann Harper, 86, of Dale, IN, who died peacefully in the Lord on January 10, 2025. She is the mother of Joe Harper of St. Boniface Parish. Arrangements are in the care of Becher Funeral Home in Ferdinand.
"The Criterion" is the official weekly publication of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. It goes out to more than 60,000 households in its coverage area of central and southern Indiana, making it Indiana's largest weekly newspaper.
The Family Catechesis Session #2 for First Reconciliation for Grade 1 candidates and their parents or guardians will be held on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at Historic St. Boniface Catholic Church from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
The Together in Jesus: First Reconciliation Lessons 1-3 should be completed and submitted for review. For more information, contact Jess Fischer, Evangelization and Discipleship Coordinator, at
Fulda Development would like to thank everyone for their support on the cash bonanza. December winners are John Kern, Dave and Faith Schaefer, Lee Ann Tempel, Sam Jent, and Eugene Waninger. That concludes the 2024 drawings.
Celebrate with Mary Alice Ruxer and her family on January 16, 2025, as Mary Alice celebrates her 101st birthday. Parishioners, friends, and neighbors are encouraged to shower her with cards of care on her special day.
Send greetings to: Mrs. Mary Alice Ruxer, Scenic Hills at the Monastery, 710 Sunrise Drive, Ferdinand, IN 47532-9020.
The January “Wish List” for North Spencer Community Action Center is shampoo and dish soap.
When delivering items, please use the handicap entrance at each church and place the items in the container marked North Spencer Community Action Center at the Marian Altar. Click/tap heading for more information.
The January “Wish List”" for Catholic Charities Tell City is gloves for children and adults. When delivering items, please use the handicap entrance at each church and place the items in the container at the Marian Altar. Click/tap heading for more information.
Copies of the February 2025 edition of Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today's Catholics will be available, compliments of the Evangelization Commission, beginning on the second Tuesday of each month, at the courtesy tables near the churches' entrances.
Communal Anointing of the Sick will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, during the 4:15 p.m. Mass at St. Meinrad Parish. Click/tap heading for more information.
The Pastoral Ministries and Activities Commission for St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish hosts a monthly gathering on the third Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at the St. Boniface Parish Center, Room 103, in Fulda. Click/tap heading for more information.
Gifts to St. Boniface Parish’s Endowment for Pastoral Ministries (for ongoing mission and ministry, general operations, and long-term care of facilities and grounds) will be matched at 50 cents per dollar raised, up to $20,000. If the $20,000 goal is met, an additional $10,000 will be received from the Catholic Community Foundation. Right now, St. Boniface is about $6,000 short of its $20,000 goal. Click/tap heading to make a gift and read a letter from the chair of the parish Finance Commission.