3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / Sunday of the Word of God (Cycle C)
Reminder: Students with excused absences are asked to complete tonight's student lesson and submit session wrap-up questions located at the bottom of this page. All questions must be submitted by Saturday, 11:00 a.m. This gives the student three days to submit make-up work.
Where Have You Seen God Since the Last Time We Got Together?
A Review of Last Session's Student Session Wrap-up Questions
Why didn't James want to go to his brother's wedding?
James was nervous about how he'd look and he didn't know how to dance.
What purpose did changing the water into wine have?
Jesus revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
Define community.
A community is comprised of individuals who form a group with common interests and beliefs.
Why do we say Jesus is the new and best wine?
Jesus is the new and the best wine who gives us joy and gathers all who believe in him into his new community.
Why does John call Jesus' turning the water into wine a sign?
John calls the turning of water into wine a sign that reveals Jesus' glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
How can you serve God today? (Confirmation Correlation Activity)
Our Plans for Tonight!
Gathering Prayer
Your words, Lord, are spirit and life. Psalm 19
Sunday Readings
Old Testament: Nehemiah 8:2–4a, 5–6, 8–1
Psalm 19
New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:12–30
Gospel: Luke 1:1–4, 4:14–21
Scripture Background
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says he fulfills the words of the prophet Isaiah; he is the one chosen to bring Good News to the poor, sight to the blind, and freedom to captives. When we reach out to people in need, we follow Jesus and continue his work of showing people God’s love for them.
We began reading from Luke’s Gospel in Advent. We continue throughout the year until next Advent. It is important that the young people recognize the richness of Scripture offered by the three-year Lectionary cycle. Each Gospel writer has his own perspective on Jesus and his work of teaching and healing. Luke is especially aware of Jesus’ interactions with the poor, outsiders, and women.
Connecting Scripture and Tradition
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church
In the Old Testament the prophets announced that the Spirit of the Lord would rest on the hoped-for Messiah for his saving mission (CCC, 1286).
The entire mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the fullness of time, is contained in this: that the Son is the one anointed by the Father’s Spirit since his Incarnation—Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah” (CCC, 727)
The mission of God’s Son “is conjoined and inseparable” from the Spirit (CCC, 743)
Taking a Look at Tonight's Student Session Wrap-up Questions
Who does Luke address his Gospel to?
What stories about Jesus only appear in the Gospel of Luke?
How does Jesus show us God’s favor?
What is a synagogue?
What is the Seminarian Letter Project?
How can you serve God today?(Confirmation Correlation Activity)
Lesson Theme: Jesus is the Good News
Gospel Weeklies Correlations to Sacramental Preparation Program
Confirmation: Faith and Reason Sunday's Gospel begins with an interesting assertion.
Luke tells us that the faith has been passed down but that he has investigated everything accurately anew.
We can fall into the false thinking that following Jesus' Death, everyone just accepted the story of his teachings, Death, and Resurrection.
Luke tells us that he spent time investigating everything before he wrote his Gospel.
Tradition tells us that Luke was a man of science.
The Catholic Church believes in faith and reason!
That is one way we know we can trust what we are taught.
Question for Discussion: How can you use faith and reason to strengthen your beliefs?
Dare To Share:Remind the young people to share their Gospel Weeklies with their families, do the With My Family and Friends and Friends activities and prayer, and read the Eucharist Quote together.
November 24:Annual Global Celebration of Youth and Young Adults – Every Catholic faith community is encouraged to celebrate and reflect on youth and young adults annually on Christ the King Sunday.
A message from Pope Francis to young people:
Cry out with your life that Christ lives, that Christ reigns, that Christ is the Lord!
November 24–30 National Bible Week (USA) November 28 Thanksgiving Day (USA) November 30 Saint Andrew – Older brother of Peter, Saint Andrew is patron of fishermen, singers, and Scotland. He spread the Good News throughout modern Greece and Turkey
Catholic Identity Challenge for the Week As baptized Catholics, we are all invited into Christian leadership. Discuss the characteristics of Christian leadership. Make a list of ways the students can be Christian leaders in their community. Ask each young person to make a conscious effort to be a Christian leader this week.
Time to begin and submit Session Wrap-up Questions
7:18 p.m.
Closing Prayer
Clean up area; put missalettes and kneelers in place.
Line up at the north wall for dismissal at 7:20 p.m.
F3 Student Session Wrap-Up Questions
Ms. Jess Fischer
Evangelization and Discipleship Coordinator, F3 (family faith formation) Programs and Activities