Hospitality should be central to who we are as a parish under the patronage of St. Meinrad, a ninth-century monk. St. Meinrad, after all, is considered the martyr of hospitality. Hospitality is a virtue Scripture holds in high regard. For instance, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews tells us, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2).
As a parish, we have many opportunities to show hospitality to our visitors. This commission seeks to plan the construction of a parish activity center, which will serve as a center of hospitality for our friends and families at receptions for Baptism, Confirmations, First Communions, initial and ongoing faith formation programs, and other important events in the lives of members of our faith community, while also housing various parish programs and activities
Marlin Flaherty, chair
John Bender
Carmen Fischer
Debbie Fischer
Molly Fischer
Josephine Kress
Chris Lutz
Karen Mangum
Cathy Schwindel
Jerry Sitzman